Science, Technology and Land Management Nexus

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The Science, Technology and Management Nexus Working Group creates collaborations that enhance understanding of local climate variability and its effects on natural and agricultural systems, and provides those making land and resource management decisions in the North Bay region the information, methods, and guidance needed to address the challenges of climate change.

Working Goals

  • Identify and attempt to fill data gaps, in particular addressing crucial questions at a local level to apply/test/utilize large-region models
  • Develop a local knowledge base and community conversation for understanding what is happening at a local level regarding biodiversity conservation and climate adaptation
  • Act as a resource: Interpret science to inform stewardship and management on the local scale
  • Create a long-term monitoring plan to inform climate adaptation and adaptive management and improve ecosystem resiliency
  • Identify and answer critical research questions


  • Identify types and formats of climatic, environmental and agricultural information needed for successful adaptive responses to changing climate in Sonoma County as an initial focus area
    • Monitor, analyze and model local climate at ecological scales to inform land management.
    • Develop & implement Sonoma county-wide climate monitoring network as a pilot for entire North Bay
    • Grow and maintain SF Conservation Commons as public data repository
  • Undertake research and monitoring projects to gather targeted local environmental and agricultural information
    • Assess land manager needs with regard to land, water and biotic management
    • Develop a county-wide network of reserves that include reference sites with permanent habitat-specific
  • Summarize and distribute climatic, environmental and agricultural data and information needed for adaptive management decisions via SF Commons online data portal
    • Develop a current knowledgebase and framework for data needs to formulate focused research questions in the context of climate adaptation
    • Disseminate and share results with local and regional managers and policy-makers